
MiroLitewhiteboardiseasytoshare.Justclickonshareboardinthetoprightcorner.Apop-upwindowwillappearsoyoucancopyyourboardlink.,Inthemeetingwindow,clicktheSharemenu,andthenclickNewWhiteboard.Ablankwhiteboardopensonthemeetingstage(rightpaneofthemeetingwindow)on ...,WBOisafreeandopen-sourceonlinecollaborativewhiteboardthatallowsmanyuserstodrawsimultaneouslyonalargevirtualboard.,Gethands-onrightawaywi...

Online Whiteboard for Realtime Collaboration

Miro Lite whiteboard is easy to share. Just click on share board in the top right corner. A pop-up window will appear so you can copy your board link.

Collaborate on a whiteboard

In the meeting window, click the Share menu, and then click New Whiteboard. A blank whiteboard opens on the meeting stage (right pane of the meeting window) on ...

WBO — Collaborative whiteboard

WBO is a free and open-source online collaborative whiteboard that allows many users to draw simultaneously on a large virtual board.

Web Whiteboard

Get hands-on right away with the Web whiteboard for instant collaboration, where you can brainstorm, share ideas and manage projects without signing-up.

Collaborative Whiteboard

評分 4.3 (52) · This Collaborative Whiteboard is an advanced digital tool designed to enhance teamwork, brainstorming, project planning, and remote collaboration.

Free Online Whiteboard for Real-Time Collaboration

Create unlimited boards with Canva's Free Online Whiteboard. Brainstorm ideas, teach & collaborate with free editable templates.

FigJam: The Online Collaborative Whiteboard for Teams

A visual collaborative whiteboard where teams can diagram, brainstorm, and organize ideas together.

Whiteboard Team

Whiteboard Team is an online, visual workspace for collaboration. It crafted for seamless teamwork, educational engagement, and everyday productivity. Whiteboard API Documents · Templates Library · Changelog

The 4 best online whiteboards for collaboration

Online whiteboards are a key tool when you need fast, easy, visual collaboration regardless of what city, country, or continent your colleagues are in.


Ziteboard is a zoomable online whiteboard with realtime collaboration for tutoring. Explain, sketch, teach anything. Whiteboard collaboration tool · Math tutoring whiteboard tools... · Pricing · FAQ